[section bg=”https://www.matchmakerforhire.com/wp-content/uploads/Sep-22-2014_Jane-Carstens_0049.jpg” dark=”true” padding=”60px” parallax_text=”3″ parallax=”1″ margin=”0px”]

J a n e   C a r s t e n s

If you are reading this you know how hard it is to find your soul mate. If you’ve done any online dating you know it can also turn into a full time job. Dating or Introduction services, though great for large volume serial daters are at best hit and miss when it comes to finding that one ultimate and committed relationship.  If personal face-to-face consultation, ongoing support, access to a  database of over 1,200 members prescreened and prequalified in their homes is what you are looking for in your quest for love,  it’s time to hire a Professional Matchmaker.

Ready to take the next step in your search for Love?

Its just a click away!


[section dark=”true” padding=”60px” margin=”0px” parallax=”1″ parallax_text=”3″ bg=”https://www.matchmakerforhire.com/wp-content/uploads/Sep-22-2014_Jane-Carstens_0049.jpg” img=”2650″ img_width=”100%”]

J a n e   C a r s t e n s

If you are reading this you know how hard it is to find your soul mate. If you’ve done any online dating you know it can also turn into a full time job. Dating or Introduction services, though great for large volume serial daters are at best hit and miss when it comes to finding that one ultimate and committed relationship.  If personal face-to-face consultation, ongoing support, access to a  database of over 1,200 members prescreened and prequalified in their homes is what you are looking for in your quest for love,  it’s time to hire a Professional Matchmaker.

Ready to take the next step in your search for Love?

Its just a click away!
