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While virtual “meetings” are the norm these days, completely replacing physical meetings during one’s search for a partner, is NOT.  Sure, online dating has been the in-thing over the last decade, finding soulmates this way has proven it is not such a safe-haven.

At the onset of Covid, we seen a spike of calls go up with local singles looking for help to meet local singles for face-to-face meetings.  And today, the trend has continued even with the changing restrictions, as singles are relatively more relaxed and want to go back to a world where face-to-face dating was common.

Its interesting to see the newfound appreciation expressed with so many singles for wanting to meet someone local and close to home, albeit with requisite precautions.

If you are looking for love with someone who has the qualities you value, look no further.  We are experienced professionals that will give you a leg up with a client database with over 2 decades of knowing your area.