Tag Archive for: #weedwednesday

Today, the 1st day that POT is legal in Canada, we wanted to share how serious of a deal breaker it can be when it comes to your love life.  Our data, we’ve been asking our clients for years now proves it and no, we’re not high (right now).

First things first; we discovered when it comes to dating -people are okay with their partners smoking weed…if they’re not currently using it. The most popular response was preferring their partners to have experienced the ~crazy effects~ of weed in the past, but not currently partaking.  We’ve learned a lot. And we’re continuing to learn more — about you, that is. So today, we’ve added some new pointy questions to our interview process. A few examples:


  • Are you 420 friendly? Medical vs casual recreational
  • Do you ever use marijuana to get ‘high’ as the equivalent to getting ‘drunk’?
  • Is smoking marijuana a fun first date?


I’m like the most of us, not criticizing, judging or asking to dispute it, we are just trying to imagine just how this will all play out for our clients and their criteria when it comes to matching them.


CONCLUSION; Weed has more to do with your love life than you think.


Your thoughts?