Having a better social life can be worth as much as an additional $131,232 a year in terms of life satisfaction:

What’s the best bet? Agreeing with Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert, more time with friends and family, say the researchers:


A happy marriage is worth $105,000 a year:

Separation costs you $255,000 a year:

Seeing friends and family regularly is worth $97,265:

By comparison, your health is worth $463,170:

Unemployment takes a big happiness toll. You’d need as much as an extra $114,248 a year to make up for the life satisfaction you lose:

Divorce seems like a bargain, costing the equivalent of only $34,000 a year.

Death of a spouse is like losing $308,780 per year:


So if you want to play real life Monopoly:

  • Health: +$463,170
  • Better social life: +$131,232
  • Marriage: +$105,000
  • Seeing friends and family regularly: +$97,265
  • Divorce: -$34,000
  • Unemployment: -$114,248
  • Separation: -$255,000
  • Death of a spouse: -$308,780
  • (Life: $6-9million)


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