Words of wisdom for Victoria Women in their 50’s on getting a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions- ensure that 2016 is your luckiest year in love yet and say YES to this opportunity to meet “The Total Package”. You can make massive progress now instead of having to struggle in January. **message me** I am in Victoria this week for 4 days and available to meet you! as seen in Victoria Times Colonist today!

PS-VTC-LMc- Hes Smart, Handy and Handsome-The Total Package-page-001

1 reply
  1. Tracy Sweet
    Tracy Sweet says:

    Hi Jane, we have communicated a few times before and I was just checking out your site, and noticed the ad says, “…and across North America” The Total Package, he sounds exactly like the kind of man I would be interested in. I love animals, and nature and having lived in Banff for 2 years, that is my ideal setting.

    Hope we can meet one day soon, I am willing to re-locate, I lived in Alberta for 6 years and will be returning to the West in the near future.
    Tracy Sweet, Harpist


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