
There’s something about her that is is self assured, unpredictability exciting and you will want to meet her.  If you are 60+ Gent, living in Victoria and have a curious mind and lots of gusto contact me — [email protected] or call 778-552-3350


Being older than 60, single and looking for romance has never been easy, and for women who typically outnumber single men, its especially challenging.  While the internet makes it easer for women over 60 who didn’t grow up with the “worldwide web” to get outside their social circles for dating and romance, I know from speaking to many singles everyday, it only makes them more vulnerable to deception.

Here’s a couple of examples that some have discovered;

  • People are a little generous (not what they are) about themselves in their profiles.
  • 95% of the men use dating sites to go out and avoid a relationship-no matter what they say!
  • It’s easier to become emotionally intimate with someone quickly, and communication is instant- scammers are very skilled at seducing!

Now, I am not saying that you should be afraid to go online, yes, you will meet some frogs, but with a little cautiousness it does increase the odds — and that’s why we’re not going to end this piece without a happy story.

“I am ready to meet my soul mate. Before we even met she knew what I am looking for in a partner, and that is one of the great advantages, I think with working with Jane”.  He further comments “Despite the 6-1, woman to man ratio on the island, I know she will find the perfect match that compliments for us both” he says.

If you are in your 60’s, living on Vancouver Island contact me  [email protected]  for a personal and confidential interview for a potential to meet my client.


She certainly doesn’t behave like a sixty-something and she’s never been the cautious type; she doesn’t see the point when she’s petite, blonde and likes wearing a little black dress while driving her MX5.

If you don’t mind golfing in Palm Desert, being in a hot air balloon over a pyramid in Egypt, or having romantic dinners together at home, then why not give it a whirl for a chance to find happiness.

If you or someone you know is a Vancouver Gent in his 60’s who is semi-retired, open-minded and flexible, please contact me to learn more about this great woman. [email protected]