

Single parents, Dad, or Mom, navigate “dating” again with some history under their belts.

Kids and some requirements for what’s OK and what they simply won’t ever do again. The rules are very different, and the experience gives them some distinct advantages in terms of recognizing what they don’t want and are willing to wait enthusiastically. But don’t worry, even though the single parents I speak to might have a couple of kids, and a full-time job, they still like to find time to be with someone.

There are never any hard rules, but here are a few basic points single fathers talk about;

  • I don’t want a “date.” I don’t want nice. I want my next relationship to start out with the potential going the long distance. I’ve never been a casual dater. And asking someone out on a date is nerve-wracking. Let’s hook up, wait, I mean, let’s go out on a date.
  • If you have kids, we’ve got an immediate starting point for everything. Trying to talk about your kids with a woman who’s not a mom… Well, they just don’t get it.
  • Games of any kind are an immediate timeout. One thing I will tell a first date is, “You can ask me anything. In fact, I prefer the hard questions. I’m trying to learn the answers myself. I will always try to answer honestly.
  • It may take several months to get in our first four dates, but… Like I said earlier, we shouldn’t be in a hurry.

One of the biggest things I work with Single Dads on when I’m matchmaking is that if you want to meet a 100 percent woman, you need to be a 100 per cent man.  Developing positive, healthy relationships with others only comes when you can develop a positive, healthy relationship with yourself.

However, truth be known about dating single dads;

  • You are some of the most loving, compassionate, and fun guys to date with no energy for drama knowing that every moment you spend with someone is time away from your kids.
  • You are a man who does not run from responsibility, and isn’t afraid of the words “love, marriage and family”.
  • Your badge is of a man who knows the mystery of the amazing booboo kiss, who spent a whole summer in a blanket fort, is a constant true role model and hero to his kids knowing life is filled with endless possibilities and that real love does exist!

But I know you can and will, find the right woman for you the moment you actually decide to commit to finding her.  SHE is out there right now waiting for you (perhaps going on dates with rather disappointing results) and SHE is relying on you to go out and find her.

Commit, believe, and get your woman, its Fathers Day!

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