
We at Matchmaker for Hire are just crazy about all things sweet, especially chocolate.  Hell, chocolate can solve almost any problem and chocolate and dating have gone hand in hand since the beginning of time because we all know that when it comes down to it, nothing can compete with a special moment made of sensuality and chocolate.  So needless to say we are always keen to spread the joy and encourage the passion of chocolate and dating and over the years we’ve hear some little stories and remarks about chocolate and dating to make you smile…..

  • “On our 3rd date he asked me if I was into S&M’s, I thought he had pronounced it wrong, so I answered oh sure I love them, especially the peanut ones.  He didn’t call me back.”
  • “Over dinner we started the debate about sex and chocolate.  9 out of 10 men prefer sex to chocolate he told me, that’s funny I replied, 9 out of 10 women prefer chocolate to sex.  There was a moment’s hesitation; he pulled a box of chocolates from under his chair.  I think we can meet in the middle I smiled.”
  • “My boyfriend wanted to do something extra special, so he laid out a chocolate inspired picnic in front of the fire.  I was working late, and he fell asleep while waiting.  When I came home the chocolate had melted into the rug.  A for Effort, F for the cleaning bill.”
  • And lastly, why chocolate and a great date are the same thing – Chocolates are easy to pick up and hard to put down.

Is your dating life like a box of chocolates?

Source credit ;

One of the most powerful things I learned from my clients was that while you are not in control of everything that happens to you, you are in control of the meaning it gives when it comes to dating and finding love.

If you experience life while looking for love with the understanding that you are authoring the story it will allow you to make the brave decisions rather than “seeing what happens” and *reacting* to it. 

When you can conceive that obstacles (like a not so great first date) are not the end, and merely a chapter, it makes them easier to overcome.   Its like knowing you can write the antagonist out of a plot simply by changing the decisions he/she will make, and the storyline will flow.  Realizing you have a choice to make a circumstance either end the principle character or make he/she stronger,  you will start looking for creative ways you can overcome things, rather than questioning if you would.

I am not sure what you are going thru with your dating experiences, my friends, but I just wanted to remind you that you are holding the pen……

As you might have heard, your main man Santa is back and on the market.  Here are a couple of the many reasons he’s actually a total catch. 

  1. He has the best beard of any man you will ever meet
  2. He’s really buff under all that velour
  3. He’ll never forget to get you presents and knows exactly what you want
  4. He’s great with animals, especially moody reindeer
  5. His ride is a flying magical sleigh

Signed;   Private Matchmaker for Santa

We are in that small window of opportunity where it’s still semi-acceptable to break up with someone before we get into the Holidays, but the window is quickly closing. You don’t want to be that person breaking up with someone before Christmas. Before you read this, I want you to think about the last time you were dumped or broke up with someone. I feel like 9 out of 10 times; there are some pretty visible signs that a split is coming. Maybe we see them and choose to ignore them, or perhaps we’re oblivious.

I found many articles on the signs your partner is about to leave you, but I think that there are a lot two pretty definitive ones. For most when they are about to end a relationship, they start changing or improving their physical appearance, or posts start disappearing like a bad habit on their social media accounts.

Dah!  You should have seen that last break up coming a mile away. And if you’re in a relationship and you’re suddenly doing these things, perhaps it’s time to take a long, hard look at if this relationship is working for you. If you’re the one planning to do the dumping and you’re struggling with how to do it, you can always do it with ice cream. According to Vancouver based Nora’s Non-Dairy, “It’s a sweet but savage way to drop someone!”

Thank you, next……….

Bonding with your loved ones over the holiday weekend is the stuff memories are made of, but if you want to take it to the next level invite a special someone to join in.  There will be more people to share special times with, take some of the pressure off you, and you can peg your person’s type based on their favorite holiday eats so you know exactly what sort of relationship you’re in for before you go for seconds.

Here’s what can you deduce from their favorite dish?

  1. Turkey: White meat- Traditionalist who falls asleep after sex. Dark meat-thinks they are edgy, but still a traditionalist who falls asleep after sex.  Turducken-Congrats you are dating a crazy person. This is going to be fun while it lasts, though!
  2. Mashed Potatoes: lovable, if a little boring and also lumpy. Probably loves to cuddle.
  3. Salad: Will probably make you run a marathon for your anniversary.
  4. Bread: Possibly a little flaky, but easily delighted. You could do worse.
  5. Gravy: Probably a sloppy kisser.
  6. Pie: Pumpkin-this person is more likely a romantic, who loves the pomp of the holidays (probably loves Valentine’s day too). Pecan-This person is not fooling around if it’s dessert it’s going to be a butter, sugary haven of one. Probably wants to have sex all the time.


Well, what’s your favorite…and what are you in for?


It’s always exciting to start a new relationship, but we often forget about the ridiculously awkward parts that accompany that just-started-dating period. So, if you recently started seeing someone new, you might want to prepare yourself for these uncomfortable moments that you’re bound to encounter and it just might be on the first date. But hey, love is worth it, right?

Let’s be honest, first dates, while exciting can also be downright terrifying.  We either freeze under pressure, awkward silences abound or worse, its full of sexual tension with flirtatious exchanges. You should however use this time together to playfully grill each other — while, you know, throwing in some flirting for good measure. Like that scene in (movie you’ve both seen) where you end with “did you ever do things like that?” Risqué questions wrapped in an anecdote wrapped in a flirt.  Makes for fun conversation fodder and a way to get to know someone beyond dinner.  Of course, if you are ever in a moment where the talk seems weird, gross and very uncomfortable, whether knowingly or unintentionally, let me be very clear, there is no excuse for this kind of behavior and make it clear right away you are no longer interested.

Our motto is “always be prepared” and remember that uncomfortable feelings and difficult experience are all part of dating.





Birthdays! We all have them, most are hopefully happy- though some not, and we all enjoy celebrating birthdays with friends and family (mostly).

I recently celebrated a birthday.  Which one, I won’t tell, but it was a birthday! I don’t feel any older, but now its just another day where I have to remember to change the digit in my response when people ask how old I am.  But enough about my birthday…’s okay you didn’t send gifts. I’m over it Really! 🙂

So, what happens when you have a birthday during a date? Or someone has a birthday during the period of time you had just started dating?  Hmm…awkward…to celebrate such a personal occasion with someone you hardly know and it can seem more like walking up to some random friend-of-a-friend from Facebook and try to be part of their birthday party.

While it may seem like a strange question for some, it has happened several times for many with differing results.  Firstly, should you acknowledge the occurrence at all? If you didn’t have a clue and only found out that saves you from this quandary.  But if you DO know about your date’s birthday it would be a bit impolite not to recognize the occasion at all.

When in doubt, its invaluable to check. Most online profiles these days have birthdays’ there for anyone to see or you can flash you licence and obnoxiously point out your date of birth or better yet,  your date could have also mentioned the fact of their approaching birthday in passing. But the proper thing to do if it is your birthday is just tell your date (in a subtle way) and find it appropriate to recognize the birthday somehow.

Any one else have any interesting birthday related dating experiences?


Throughout our lives, we compile a picture of what we think real love should look like. Often this process begins early, as little kids listening to fairy tales envisioning our very own Cinderella and Prince Charming.  As we grow older, we often imagine finding a soul-mate, that perfect person who we were destined to spend our lives with—– we set out looking for our missing piece.

The trouble is that the reality of love is not quite as simple as the picture we create in our heads. Our idea of love often leads us to choose romantic partners for the wrong reasons. The romantic, rom/com idea of “You complete me” has potentially negative implications by filling in the gaps we see in ourselves, we make assumptions and try to find a partner to fill in our self-perceived shortfalls.

Coming from a 16-year career in working with thousands of single men and women with finding love relationships, this two-part blog post will share a list of the top 5 qualities that my clients say, for them, work towards a truly loving relationship.


Honesty — Many believe that “Honesty is the best policy. Others say, “Discretion is the better part of valor.” Of course, being truthful is important. But are their times when you are better off not answering a new romantic partner’s questions or even, not telling the truth (the whole truth and nothing but the truth…so help you God)?  After all, during the early stages of a new relationship, it’s what you don’t say, that can allow a relationship to grow and develop unencumbered by too much information.  I’m not advocating being untruthful or lying but rather I’m suggesting that good timing and discretion should be a part of being honest in a new relationship and replies such as “that’s old history, I don’t want to get into it,” or “that’s too personal,” or “that’s from my past, I’d rather it stays buried” are more than appropriate and honest.

Affection – Its’ Complicated! Most of us have kissed someone before and we’ve seen hundreds of movies of other people kissing, and yet, when we come face-to-face with someone we find attractive, our hearts race and our minds are sent reeling. And we stall.  It sounds simple, but why is it so hard?  Generally speaking, if someone practices skiing regularly for two years, they will eventually become quite competent at it. Yet many people spend most of their lives with one romantic failure after another. Why dating and not, say, skiing?  It’s your emotional map — or at least part of it. These are the hang ups and issues that you’ve battled and slowly beaten back with years of active effort. These are the realities that are needed to express openly and seek out the proper partner who can handle them. What are yours?

Coming next week, Part 2 will highlight 3 more qualities and sum up how to work towards a truly loving relationship.  For more tips on finding true love don’t forget to check out our website blog at

What’s your attitude about dating over the holidays? 

Forget the latest new gadgets, put down that brand-new watch, leave that aftershave on the shelf; Ladies, what men really want for Christmas is Love.   According to how busy I am this time of the year, men are the ones who really crave romance during the holidays.  For them the worst day of the year to be single is Christmas Day. Surprised?

Well it is possible to find love at any time of the year, but just 12 months ago, December 2015, I was lucky enough to meet Michael (not his real name) who took some time out of the holiday chaos to seek a different approach to find romance.

My advice was simple, lets put together an action plan to find love.  Its no different than a business plan, combined with no nonsense tips for finding his perfect mate and not wasting time with someone he was not compatible with.   We walked thru the steps which included scouting thru a series of confidential, custom high end ads that we ran in the paper and social media.


Then, in January, I met Elizabeth (not her real name) who saw his ad.  After qualifying she was a great fit for him, they met in February, and they both were smitten.  While I admit, you never know how things will play out with couples I introduce when it comes to chemistry, but if I’ve learned anything and the advice I give my clients,  you sometimes have to step outside the box and at least give things a try.  Today, December 15, 2016, just 12 months later, they’ve both had their Christmas wishes come true.

Lastly, here is a card from the self declared “lover’s sweethearts” I received in the mail today from their recent travels together quoting, “Every day with Michael, no matter what we’re doing, is such a wonderful day.  He truly is the love of my life.’”

aka…..Mistletoe Matchmaker!