What interesting and uncertain times we are in!

As the matchmaker who’s been setting up dates for my clients, each day this past week, I’ve been a bit more unsure of what the right move is going forward in terms of presenting introductions to you. As comfortable as one person feels going out for dinner and drinks with someone new in the time of coronavirus, the next person feels differently. My matchmaking colleagues and I have had several recent date cancellations and are brainstorming how our industry must adapt. With over three hundred confirmed cases in Canada now, it seems it may be a matter of time before we see more people quarantining with bars and restaurants in many cities shut down.
Considering your best interest, my observations as to the way singles and the matchmaking industry is reacting, and the ethical obligations I feel as a human being who does not want to contribute to the spread of disease, I present three options to you for best handling the remaining time on your contract:
–Virtual Dating: I can set you up on video dates with people who are interested in getting to know someone virtually. After screening candidates for you on phone or video, I would send recent photos and a profile as usual so you could decide if you’d like to accept the introduction. Your “date” will take place on a virtual medium of your choice, and it will count as an introduction on your contract regardless of whether a “real” date takes place. I will coach both parties on how to make the best impression in this medium.
–Dating Coaching: You can exchange some of your remaining introductions for coaching sessions. If you are interested in using this downtime for self-reflection and self-improvement in terms of your love life, I promise to give you tremendous value! You will receive unlimited email coaching and once to twice weekly video coaching sessions to help you learn how to “become your own matchmaker”. You will learn not just how to attract a better match on your own-whether on or offline-but how to keep him or her for the long term. I will use feedback from past dates, a thorough assessment of your relationship history, as well as my overall impression of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of attracting a match. Most importantly, it will teach you how to attract/maintain the relationship you desire.
–Hold Time: We will simply put things on hold for a bit until we see how this all pans out.
I will gladly honor and respect your choice, if you know your preference now, please do let me know.
Additionally, it’s a good time to update your profile and photos with us and I’m happy to discuss things further with you this week if you like.
Stay safe and well!