So, are you ready to hear what he/she said about you personally?
We live in a feedback culture today. Where it is normal in every other part of our lives from Amazon, Google customer ratings and reviews to TripAdvisor yet why is so hard to seek feedback from a date? It’s ironic because dating is perhaps the most important area where feedback can literally change your life.
After 18 years of experience routinely doing “exit” interviews with my clients, please believe me when I tell you that they are more empowering than embarrassing. Especially if you truly want to find the right mate, it can be extremely helpful the bite the bullet and find out what is going right and wrong during and after your dates. Uncovering the gap between your perceptions and your dates perceptions will enable you to find your mate more quickly and efficiently.
What I can share with you is that 90% of women I speak to are wrong when they guess why their date didn’t call them back. Maybe you aren’t creating enough date-makers while causing too many date-breakers. Why wonder needlessly when you can just get the information you need, directly from the source?
Information is power. What’s the worst that could happen?
If you’ve found this article helpful, have any questions for me or want to share any personal experiences with giving or receiving feedback feel free to leave a comment and contact me [email protected]