Single Dads can Teach their Kids Healthy Dating Attitudes

Looking for love…… Duh.
Looking for a partner…… Absolutely.
In essence: Dating is life. Parenting is life. Stop making such a big deal out of the former, and the latter becomes far less complicated.
Who would not want their kids to see resilience, and for the single parent it means loving again and not just coping? Which brings us to the big question of when. Most of the singles we work with say that the kids do have to be in the mix to see if the relationship is going to work. For some, who did not want anything too serious they bring their kids around their new potentials as a deterrent – and then watch in awe as they threw themselves in the mix with them. Instead of sabotaging the relationship with their kids, they just sweetened the deal……something worth exploring.
One thing we feel strongly about is people who (and if this is you, sorry) say, “Oh we’ll just tell the kids we’re friends hanging out”. Do not lie, kids know everything.
Our Take, when you are ready, bring around your family. Sure, consider how you do this post Covid, respect your kids’ reactions, talk about it with them. But do not feel guilty, you are normal, and this is healthy. That said, there are plenty of good reasons to take your time introducing your kids to your new amore. Maybe you don’t ever introduce them at all.