The couple that’s together and you don’t recall a time of them being on their own.  That couple whose personalities are either too similar to too different.  That couple that, from the outside looking in don’t look like they might fit but they just do.

In order to say two people as a couple, are perfect for each other, we have put together a few phrases we have heard over the years to express they are a perfect match to each other.

  • A couple that “has good chemistry” gets along really well.
  • A “compatible” couple fit together really well.
  • A “power couple” are a couple that together, can do anything.
  • A “cute” couple look good together.
  • A couple that is “equally attractive” have a similar level of attraction. (Both members are attractive, or unattractive, etc.)
  • A “good-looking” couple implies that the members of the couple are both independently attractive. (Hot, Sexy, Attractive all same meaning!)


IF you or someone you know is a Gent in his 60’s or 70’s, living in Canada or the US with goals for yourself and want to be with a woman who has goals for her own life too, then read on……and contact me at [email protected] 

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